30.4.2022 19:00
Ticket sales have ended.
Date | 30.4.2022 19:00 | ||||||||
Place | O2 universum, Praha | ||||||||
Organizer | JV Classics s.r.o. Organizer | ||||||||
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Orientation Plan LANG LANG Ticketportal (435.28 Kb) |
Price |
CZK 590–8 800 |
Sale / reservation | Ticket sales have ended. | ||||||||
Box offices |
Information | Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy. |
Organizer – JV Classics s.r.o.
Pokyny pořadatele – Lang Lang in Concert
Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedený den, hodinu, akci, místo konání a sedadlo, je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem a opravňuje k jednomu vstupu. Po opuštění místa konání akce pozbývá platnosti. Dodatečnými úpravami se stává vstupenka neplatnou. V případě uplynutí platnosti vstupenky, jejího poškození, zničení, ztráty nebo krádeže nelze vstupenku vyměnit ani nahradit její hodnotu ani poskytnout jinou kompenzaci. Další převod, prodej nebo zbavení se vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej za cenu vyšší, než je na vstupence vytištěna, způsobuje její neplatnost. Držiteli takové vstupenky bude odepřen vstup na místo konání akce nebo bude vyveden a zakládá to důvod pro zabavení vstupenky bez náhrady její nominální ceny nebo jiné kompenzace.
Vstupenka je cenina, její padělání a pozměňování je zakázáno. Pořadatel odepře vstup na akci všem držitelům takových vstupenek.
Zaplacené vstupné se nevrací, vstupenka se nevyměňuje. V případě zrušení akce zodpovídá za vrácení vstupného pořadatel, nikoli společnost IRSnetCZ s.r.o. V případě zrušení akce uplatní držitel vstupenky nárok na vrácení vstupného dle pokynů pořadatele. Servisní poplatky se nevracejí. Náhrada zvláštních nákladů (např. hotel, jízdní výlohy) se neposkytuje. Změna programu vyhrazena. Datum a čas akce mohou být změněny bez upozornění.
Je zakázáno fotografování a pořizování obrazových a zvukových záznamů v průběhu akce včetně přestávek.
Na akci jsou poskytovány slevy. Pořadatel poskytuje slevy na vstupném držitelům průkazu ZTP/P – vozíčkářům a jejich průvodcům.
Při plnění povinností vyplývajících z prodeje vstupenek bude společnost IRSnet CZ s.r.o. postupovat ve shodě s platnými Obchodními podmínkami pro poskytování služby prodej vstupenek na sportovní a kulturní akce prostřednictvím prodejní sítě Ticketportal. Aktuální znění obchodních podmínek je k dispozici na www.ticketportal.cz.
Pianist, pedagogue and philanthropist Lang Lang has been one of the most brilliant stars in the field of classical music in recent years. It sells famous concert halls around the world (Carnegie Hall NY, Beijing National Grand Theater, Berlin Philharmonic, London Royal Albert Hall or LA Hollywood Bowl) and performs with top orchestras and conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Gustavo Dudamel, Daniel Barenboim or Christoph Eschenbach. In addition, he deservesly collects the most prestigious artistic evaluations, at random the Crystal Award (Davos 2010) or the Classic Brit Award (2013). The New York Times called the virtuoso “the hottest contemporary artist in the field of classical music.”
Lang Lang is known for often connecting different music worlds. His performances at the GRAMMY Awards with Metallica, Pharrell Williams or jazz legend Herbie Hancock were repeatedly watched by millions of viewers. In 2008, he opened with a concert that was broadcast around the world at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. But whether he plays for millions or just a few hundred children in public school, Lang Lang is an absolute master of communicating with the audience through music.
On April 30, 2022, Lang Lang will present himself to the Czech public at the O2 Universum in Prague. Due to the fact that a long time has passed since the original date of the concert, the virtuoso changed his idea of the form of the concert and decided to present the current repertoire to the Prague audience - the iconic Goldberg variations of J. S. Bach. This monumental four-volume Bach's work has become an inspiration for many filmmakers, the most famous of which is probably the accompaniment of the chilling scenes of the film "Silence of the Lambs" by director Jonathan Demm. The change in the program was the reason for choosing the more intimate O2 Universum environment.
Lang Lang started playing the piano at the age of three, and by less than five he had his first public recital. At the age of nine, he entered the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and at just thirteen won the first prize at Beijing’s Tchaikovsky International Competition for Young Musicians. He then went to Philadelphia to study with legendary pianist Gary Graffman at the Curtis Institute of Music. His biggest career break came at the age of 17, when he caught up with Andrew Watts at the Gala of the Century. Literally overnight, thanks to Tchaikovsky’s great first piano concerto, accompanied by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and under the baton of Christoph Eschenbach, he became an absolute star and offers began to flock.
Lang Lang’s tireless efforts to attract new audiences to classical music have gained immense worldwide acclaim. In 2008, he founded the International Music Foundation, which aims to educate future top pianists and to educate young people using the most advanced technologies and listening to live music. In 2013, he was appointed by the UN Secretary-General as a messenger of peace with a focus on global children’s education. Since 2004, the artist has also been a goodwill ambassador for the international children’s rights agency UNICEF.
The date and time of the concert do not change. Customers who have purchased tickets to the O2 arena online will receive O2 universa seats by 11 April 2022 (under their Ticketportal account). For customers who have purchased tickets at Ticketportal sales points, there will be seats at the box office No. 10 O2 arena, where they can pick them up about 2 hours before the event. Further information will be provided by the JV Classics concert organizer.
Lang Lang holds a number of honorary doctorates; eg from the Royal College of Music, the Manhattan School of Music or New York University. In December 2011, this artist was awarded the highest prize by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and received the highest civilian honors of Germany (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany) and French (Order of Arts and Literature). In 2016, Lang Lang was invited to the Vatican to speak for Pope Francis. He has also played for a number of international dignitaries, including four US presidents and monarchs from various countries.
“The magician Lang is slowly transforming into a Lang musician… Nothing will stop this nonchalant piano savage… his playing was so compellingly beautiful that one was afraid to breathe so that he would not miss anything.”
Chicago Tribune
“Lang Lang matures artistically. His game is refined, almost serious. It has an intelligent style of phrasing, dynamic control, articulation changes – it delivers a captivating performance in all circumstances that you will not forget for a long time.”
New Yorker
Organizer: JV Classics
WEB: jvclassics.cz
E-MAIL: agentura@jvclassics.cz