18.6.2022 12:30
19.6.2022 11:00


Ticket sales have ended.

Date 18.6.2022 12:30
19.6.2022 11:00
Entry from 11:00
Place O2 universum, Praha
Organizer Avantgarde Prague s.r.o. Organizer

CZK 349–1 799

Order wheelchair tickets from Ticketmaster (ticket@ticketmaster.cz).

Sale / reservation Ticket sales have ended.
Box offices
Box office – entry no. 1, O2 arena
Mon - Fri9:00 - 12:00
12:30 - 17:00
Event day10:00 - 1 hour after the start of the event
Information Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy.

Organizer – Avantgarde Prague s.r.o.

Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedený den, hodinu, akci, místo konání a sedadlo, je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem a opravňuje k jednomu vstupu. Po opuštění místa konání akce pozbývá platnosti. Dodatečnými úpravami se stává vstupenka neplatnou. V případě uplynutí platnosti vstupenky, jejího poškození, zničení, ztráty nebo krádeže nelze vstupenku vyměnit ani nahradit její hodnotu ani poskytnout jinou kompenzaci. Další převod, prodej nebo zbavení se vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej za cenu vyšší, než je na vstupence vytištěna, způsobuje její neplatnost. Držiteli takové vstupenky bude odepřen vstup na místo konání akce nebo bude vyveden a zakládá to důvod pro zabavení vstupenky bez náhrady její nominální ceny nebo jiné kompenzace.

Vstupenka je cenina, její padělání a pozměňování je zakázáno. Pořadatel odepře vstup na akci všem držitelům takových vstupenek.

Zaplacené vstupné se nevrací, vstupenka se nevyměňuje. V případě zrušení akce zodpovídá za vrácení vstupného pořadatel. V případě zrušení akce uplatní držitel vstupenky nárok na vrácení vstupného dle pokynů pořadatele. Náhrada zvláštních nákladů (např. hotel, jízdní výlohy) se neposkytuje. Změna programu vyhrazena. Datum a čas akce mohou být změněny bez upozornění.

Je zakázáno fotografování a pořizování obrazových a zvukových záznamů v průběhu akce včetně přestávek, vyjma malých kompaktních fotoaparátů. Dále je zakázáno vnášet do objektu kamery, profesionální fotoaparáty, tablety a zároveň je zakázáno používání laserových ukazovátek.

Pořadatel poskytuje slevy na vstupném vozíčkářům (držitelům průkazu ZTP/P) a jejich průvodcům.

Při plnění povinností vyplývajících z prodeje vstupenek bude Ticketmaster Česká republika, a.s. postupovat ve shodě s platnými Obchodními podmínkami pro poskytování služby prodej vstupenek na sportovní a kulturní akce prostřednictvím prodejní sítě Ticketmaster. Aktuální znění obchodních podmínek je k dispozici na stránkách www.ticketmaster.cz

The biggest event of the year is planned for League of Legends fans in mid-June in Prague. The weekend mega event connected with the first Czech tournament with international participation, which will be complemented by a game expo with a number of accompanying events, will take place on 18 and 19 June in the exclusive premises of the Prague O2 Universe. And you can also compete with the best LoL players. Just put the team together and succeed in the competition. The qualification is also open to amateur teams.

You can now experience the unique atmosphere of the world League of Legends event in the Czech Republic as well. Thousands of fans and the best players not only from the Czech Republic but also from abroad will gather at the O2 Universa. The well-known French League of Legends team Gamers Origin will also take part in the fights. From Czech sports stars, participants can look forward to Dynamo Eclot, eSub, Entopiq and Sinners.

An open part of the Prague Champs tournament is an open qualification. Literally anyone can compare forces with the best. All you have to do is put together a League of Legends team with your friends and take part in the qualification, which will take place on 21 and 22 May. The four best teams will then advance to duels with professional sports teams. The four absolute best of them will then play the semifinals and finals at the Prague Champs event.

The trophy for the winners of the Prague Champs tournament consists of the leading Czech designer Roman Kvita, who in the past won, for example, the prestigious Red Dot Design Award, nicknamed the Design Oscar.

Since 2018, Mastercard has been the global partner of the publisher of League of Legends Riot Games and the Worlds League of Legends. Last year, Mastercard also expanded this partnership to sponsor the final fights at the European level.

“Esport is an extremely dynamic new industry and Mastercard has played an important role in it for a long time. We try to use all possibilities to bring new and attractive benefits to gamers and bring the Prague Champs tournament with international participation to the Czech Republic. The next step was to meet the wishes of sports fans,” said Mastercard CEO for the Czech Republic and Slovakia Michal Čarný.

Last year, Mastercard also issued a special limited-edition series of payment cards based on the heroes from the League of Legends game in cooperation with Komerční banka. This series of cards has been a huge success in the sports community, and therefore a new edition with completely new designs will be presented this year as well, on the occasion of the Prague Champs tournament.

In the new limit, those interested will find four designs, each with a different character from the game League of Legends. Specifically, they are champions Jayce, Kai`Sa, Ornn and Taliyah. The designs are available from May 2 at kb.cz/lol.

“Esport is not ‘just playing games’, it’s about experiencing dreams, discussing, relaxing, rewarding the performance of others, live broadcasts and sold out halls. The entertainment that one in ten of us devotes from teenagers to adult women and can. That’s why we co-organize the largest Czech tournament for LoL fans, which is why we offer a new range of exclusive payment card designs with the heroes of this action-strategy game. Thanks to the card with this design, you will get a discount on both the tournament and selected ASUS ROG game products, and you can also look forward to other benefits that we will add to these cards. By the way, my favorite heroine is the daughter of emptiness Kai’Sa, “said Jitka Haubová, a member of the KB Board of Directors and Chief Operating Officer.

Exclusive benefits are prepared for the clients of Komerční banka and Mastercard directly at the Prague Champs tournament. Holders of Komerční banka payment cards with the League of Legends motif will receive a 30 percent discount on a weekend ticket. Mastercard holders can use special experience packages or the possibility of delivering snacks directly to the seating area within the arena.

Visitors to the Prague Champs can look forward to many accompanying events as part of the game expo. The tournament itself will be complemented by autograph signings and other opportunities to meet the best teams and personalities of the Czech gaming scene. Leading technology brands and tournament partners will be introduced at the expo, where you will find game corners, a chill zone and various workshops.



BY ENTERING the PRAGUE CHAMPS event area (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”) in the O2 universum complex, at any time between 18 June 2022 and 12:30 – 19 June 2022 until 22:30, you will voluntarily GIVE A FREE CONSENT to PROCOMA, spol. s r.o., with its registered office at Sever Západní V 520/62, Záběhlice, 141 00 Prague 4, ID number: 251 01 528 , within the existing Action.

By entering, you further agree that PROCOMA, spol. s r.o. is entitled to publish and use the record in all ways, without any restrictions, as well as allows its use by third parties associated with the Event such as Avantgarde Prague s.r.o., Mastercard Europe SA or Komerční banka, a.s. The company PROCOMA, spol. s r.o. is entitled to make adjustments and retouches in the record and to use it in connection with other parts and elements.

You can revoke your consent at the persons making these records at the Event, or (together with the unambiguous identification of your person) no later than 30 June 2022 at this contact: info@good-game.cz.