Instructions for use
- To park in the P1 EXPRES car park, use the designated parking areas, parking outside these areas will be grounds for towing the vehicle at owner expense.
- The first 15 min. parking is free; for the next 15 min. / 150 CZK and each additional quarter hour is charged at the price of 150 CZK.
- When leaving the P1 Expres car park, make a payment by credit card (located on the exit stand) or in cash / credit card at the automatic cash register, which is located at the P1 Expres car park exit.
- Instructions for using the parking system are located on the entry and exit stands and the automatic cash register.
Change in parking tariff
- The P2 STAGES HOTEL Prague car park is charged at the rate of 50 CZK / hour. To enter the underground hotel car park, use the same card that you received at the entrance to the P1 Expres car park.
- After connecting the barrier system of the P2 car park, your tariff will automatically change.
- Pay for parking at STAGES HOTEL Prague in cash or by credit card at the automatic cash register located in the P2 STAGES HOTEL Prague car park or at the hotel reception.
- For a long-term stay at STAGES HOTEL Prague, contact the reception staff who, based on the length of your stay, will change your parking card to a long-term card allowing you to use the P2 STAGES HOTEL Prague car park for repeated entries throughout your stay.
- Please note – the long-term card is not valid for the P1 Expres car park.
- When ending your stay at STAGES HOTEL Prague, pay the parking fee in the same way as for a single use of the P2 car park.
Parking P2 STAGES HOTEL Prague – change of tariff to 50 CZK per hour / 550 CZK per day.
Parking area P1 Express – price list