12.4.2024 - 13.4.2024


Ticket sales have ended.

Date 12.4.2024 - 13.4.2024
Entry from 10:00
Place O2 universum, Praha
Organizer MAKRO Cash & Carry ČR s.r.o. Organizer
Download Orientation plan MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST 2 Ticketportal (169.21 Kb)

CZK 200 – 490

Sale / reservation Ticket sales have ended.
Box offices
Box office – entry no. 1, O2 arena
Mon - Fri9:00 - 12:00
12:30 - 17:00
Event day10:00 - 1 hour after the start of the event
Information Bestsport, a.s. records of visitors and other persons in accordance with Privacy Policy.

Organizer – MAKRO Cash & Carry ČR s.r.o.

Každý návštěvník O2 universa, vstupující do O2 universa za účelem účasti na akci, se zakoupením či obdržením vstupenky (či jiného dokladu, opravňujícího jej ke vstupu) zavazuje při vstupu do O2 universa dodržovat pravidla uvedená v Provozním řádu, Návštěvním řádu, Reklamačním řádu a v těchto Pokynech pořadatele („Pokyny“).

Tyto Pokyny zdůrazňují vybraná práva a povinnosti návštěvníků O2 universa při jejich vstupu do místa konání akce, jinak uvedená v řádech haly. V případě, že se Pokyny na konkrétní akci od řádů liší, je tak uvedeno dále v těchto Pokynech níže nebo při vstupu do O2 universa, a tyto Pokyny mají před řády přednost. Doporučujeme všem držitelům vstupenek se s těmito Pokyny seznámit nejen při nákupu vstupenky, ale také před tím, než se vypraví na akci.

Vstupenka: Vstupenka platí jen pro uvedenou akci v uvedený den, hodinu, místo konání a je platná pouze s kontrolním ústřižkem. Vstupenku musí mít každá osoba vstupující do O2 universa bez ohledu na věk (tedy i malé dítě) a celou dobu pobytu v O2 universu ji musí mít u sebe a při výzvě pořadatele se jí prokázat. Další převod vstupenky bez písemného souhlasu pořadatele nebo pokus o další prodej způsobuje její neplatnost a držiteli takové vstupenky nemusí být umožněn do O2 universa vstup, a to bez náhrady.

Vstup do místa konání akce: Seznam předmětů, s nimiž nelze vstupovat do O2 universa, najdete v Návštěvním řádu nebo v rubrice ZAKÁZANÉ PŘEDMĚTY. Během akce funguje před O2 universem úschovna. Osoby mladší 12 let musí být na akci doprovázeny osobou zletilou, a každá osoba musí mít svoji vlastní vstupenku.

In Makro, we live by gastronomy, join us! The second year of the spectacular MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST will once again take place in the exceptional premises of Prague’s O2 universe from April 12 to 13, 2024 and will carry the slogan “We live by gastronomy”. The festival of the best that Czech hospitality can offer will once again be organized by the wholesale trade of the Czech Republic, which will bring together some of the best personalities of the renowned gastro scene, led by Zdenek Pohlreich. They are happy to share their experiences. Visitors will once again be thrilled by four floors full of cooking and barman shows, an open macro market with many tastings and lots of inspiration. The opportunity to be part of a gastronomic experience is approaching. Be there with us.

MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST 2 will once again be an unforgettable event that wants to bring a new burst of energy to Czech gastronomy. Over two days, a diverse range of visitors – from restaurant owners, chefs, suppliers to representatives of professional associations and institutions supporting gastronomy – will get lots of practical information and tips, taste great food and drink and witness a variety of shows. The O2 universa space will offer a pleasant background for mutual sharing of experiences, information on the latest trends, tastings and networking. While the opening day of the festival will be reserved mainly for professionals in the field of gastronomy, on Saturday the general public will also have a good time. Tickets are available in the Ticketportal network.

“Gastronomy is an integral part of the culture of every country, and it is no different in the Czech Republic. In gastronomy, we can build on traditions, but also experiment. Thanks to gastronomy, each of us experiences pleasant moments, and we at Makro have the support of gastronomy as a mission. I believe that MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST 2 will once again be a unique platform that has the power to move the quality of Czech gastronomy. Prominent personalities of Czech gastronomy, rising stars of this field, institutions, associations and suppliers are working with us on the project,” adds Lenka Slezáková, project leader and marketing director of the macro Czech Republic.

Although the Bocuse d’Or competition will not be held at this year’s festival, there will be no shortage of adrenaline-pumping competitive moments. News will be served to you directly by the best, renowned personalities of the domestic gastro scene will share them, headed by Zdeněk Pohlreich, who has become the festival’s ambassador.

“MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST 2 is a great opportunity for the gastronomic scene, which brings new energy to our kitchen. Last year was very successful and I believe that the second year will be even more significant. I am proud to be an ambassador and I believe that the festival will continue to grow and bring even more inspiration and enthusiasm for gastronomy. If you are a passionate food lover, definitely do not miss this festival in mid-April,” says Czech chef, entrepreneur and gastronome Zdeněk Pohlreich, ambassador of the MAKRO CZECH GASTRO FEST festival.

This time, the main area will also be accessible to all visitors, where a unique “macro market” will take place. Here, as part of an open kitchen, cooking shows and tastings, it will be possible to experience the concept of “listen, watch, taste”. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to freely move around the entire area, and in addition to perceive and absorb news with almost all senses. Hearing, sight and taste are involved. They will also learn a lot of useful information about the digitization of gastronomy, international cuisine, hotel solutions, institutional catering and fast food concepts. Pop-up restaurants will also be open again. As part of the last festival, the national round of the world’s most prestigious cooking competition, Bocuse d’Or, was also held, which was won by Dominik Unčovský from the Makro Academy. The national round takes place once every two years, so Dominik and his team are currently preparing for the European round, which takes place in Trondheim, Norway.